Chapter 15: What and how children and adolescents eat — References
Page 220
Page 221
“262 different names for sugar” |
Hypoglycemia Support Foundation. “Added Sugar Repository,” (2020). |
“teaspoons of added sugar per day” |
“Breakfast Is a Dangerous Meal” |
Page 222
“under increased scrutiny” |
W.C. Willett and D.S. Ludwig. “Milk and Health,” N. Engl. J. Med. 382 (7) (2020): 644. |
“diabetes and heart disease” |
“dietary food group anymore” |
“cause-and-effect studies to prove it” |
Page 223
“prostate cancer in men” |
“cover the cost of a carrot” |
Food and Nutrition Service. “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act,” (Washington, DC: USDA, 2020). |
“they wind up in the trash can” |
“about feeding their children” |
C. Harrison. “It’s the Way We Were All Born Eating.” New York Times, Aug 26, 2019. |
Page 224
“(glycation and oxidative stress)” |
“by consuming more omega-3s” |
“brain development and cognition” |
“insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia” |
“neurons to branch and connect” |
E.B. Lee. “Obesity, Leptin, and Alzheimer’s Disease,” Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1243 (2011): 15. |
Page 225
“numerous cognitive deficits” |
G.J. Paz-Filho et al. “Leptin Replacement Improves Cognitive Development,” PLoS One 3 (2008): 10. |
“(the memory center)” |
“you can’t outrun a bad diet” |
“to irritability in preschoolers” |
“violent behavior in middle-schoolers” |
“all to maintain energy neutrality” |
Page 226
“colors to enhance sugar’s effects” |
“decline and greater impulsivity” |
“(the executive function center)” |
“prefrontal cortex may belie distractibility” |
“attention deficit disorder in children” |
M. Kinsbourne. “Sugar and the Hyperactive Child,” N. Engl. J. Med. 330 (1994): 355. |
“food do less well in school” |
“neighboring counties as the control” |