Chapter 4: Dietitians lost their mind — References
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“to focus on exercise, not diet” |
“food over the decades” |
“as has the AND” |
C. Dennett. “Processed Foods: Problem or Panacea?” Today’s Dietician, 17 (8) (2015):40. |
“once and for all” |
P. Wilson. “The Death of the Calorie.” 1843 Magazine, April/May 2019. |
“public health lawyer” |
“even to this day” |
“a calorie is not a calorie” |
D. Rehm. The Diane Rehm Show. (Washington, DC: American Public Media), Jan 7, 2013. |
“saying a calorie IS a calorie” |
“represents the processed food industry” |
“gets in the way of processed food” |
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