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Isocaloric fructose restriction and metabolic improvement in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome.
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Articles – Refereed
- Lustig RH, Cohen SI, Ransil BJ, Abelmann WH: Clinical evaluation of a computerized arrhythmia monitoring system: advantages of a lead system confined to the chest. Heart and Lung 7:1-8, 1978.
- Schriock EA, Lustig RH, Rosenthal SM, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM: Effect of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) on plasma growth hormone in relation to magnitude and duration of GH deficiency in 26 children and adults with isolated GH deficiency or multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies: evidence for hypothalamic GRH deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 58:1043-1049, 1984.
- Lustig RH, Schriock EA, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM: Effect of growth hormone-releasing factor on growth hormone release in children with radiation-induced growth hormone deficiency. Pediatrics 76:274-279, 1985.
- Barton LL, Lustig RH, Fong CT, Walentik CA: Neonatal septicemia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Am Fam Phys 33:147-151, 1986.
- Lustig RH, Conte FA, Kogan BA, Grumbach MM: Ontogeny of gonadotropin secretion in congenital anorchism: sexual dimorphism versus syndrome of gonadal dysgenesis and diagnostic considerations. J Urol 138:587-591, 1987.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW, Fishman J: Opioidergic modulation of the oestradiol-induced LH surge in the rat: roles of ovarian steroids. J Endocrinol 116:55-69, 1988.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW, Fishman J: Induction of LH hypersecretion in cyclic rats during the afternoon of oestrus by oestrogen in conjunction with progesterone antagonism or opioidergic blockade. J Endocrinol 117:229-235, 1988.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW, Mobbs CV: Two-dimensional gel autoradiographic analysis of the acute effects of estradiol on protein synthesis in the female rat ventromedial nucleus in vivo. Endocrinol 124:1863-1869, 1989.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW, Mobbs CV: Considerations in the quantitative analysis of autoradiograms from two-dimensional gels. J Neurosci Meth 29:17-26, 1989.
- Lustig RH, Mobbs CV, Pfaff DW, Fishman J: Temporal actions of 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone in the rat: comparisons of lordosis dynamics with other estrogen metabolites and between sexes. J Steroid Biochem 33:417-421, 1989.
- Lustig RH, Mobbs CV, Bradlow HL, McEwen BS, Pfaff DW: Differential effects of estradiol and 16-hydroxyestrone on pituitary and preoptic estrogen receptor regulation. Endocrinol 125:2701-2709, 1989.
- Lustig RH, Sudol M, Pfaff DW, Federoff HJ: Estrogenic regulation and sex dimorphism of Growth-Associated Protein 43 kDa (GAP-43) messenger RNA in the rat. Mol Brain Res 11:125-132, 1991.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Wilson MC, Federoff HJ: Ontogeny, sex dimorphism, and neonatal sex hormone determination of synapse-associated messenger RNA’s in rat brain. Mol Brain Res 20:101-110, 1993.
- MacDonald MJ, Shahidi NT, Allen DB, Lustig RH, Mitchell TL, Cornwell ST: Pentoxifylline in the treatment of children with new-onset Type I diabetes mellitus. JAMA 271:27-28, 1994.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Yu W, Ahmad FJ, Baas PW: An in vitro model of estrogen action on neurons employing estrogen receptor-transfected PC12 cells. J Neurosci 14:3945-3957, 1994.
- Lustig RH: Sex hormone modulation of neural development in vitro. Hormones and Behavior 28:383-395, 1994.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Smith LS, Wang CH, Chang C: An in vitro model of androgen action on neurons employing androgen receptor-transfected PC12 cells. Mol Cell Neurosci 5:587-596, 1994.
- Gaynon PS, Lustig RH: The use of glucocorticoids in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood: molecular, cellular, and clinical considerations. J Ped Hem/Onc 17:1-12, 1995.
- Imbeaud S, Rey R, Berta P, Chaussain JL, Wit JM, Lustig RH, De Vroede MAM, Picard JY, Josso N: Testicular degeneration in three patients with the persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. Eur J Pediatr 154:187-190, 1995.
- Lustig RH: In vitro models for the effects of sex hormones on neurons. Ann NYAS 784:370-381, 1996.
- Pitukcheewanont P, Burstein SR, Rose SR, Lustig RH, Burghen GA: Management of post-operative and post-traumatic diabetes insipidus in children. The Endocrinologist 6:301-306, 1996.
- Kuefer MU, Moinuddin M, Heidemann RL, Lustig RH, Rose SR, Burstein SR, Van Middlesworth L, Fleming I, Jenkins JJ, Shearer PD: Papillary thyroid carcinoma: demographics, treatment, and outcome in eleven pediatric patients treated at a single institution. Med Ped Oncol 28:433-440, 1997.
- Norrby-Teglund A, Lustig R, Kotb M: Differential induction of Th1 versus Th2 cytokines by Group A streptococcal toxic shock syndrome isolates. Infection and Immunity 65: 5209-5215, 1997.
- Lustig RH, Rose SR, Burghen GA, Broome DC, Velasquez-Mieyer P, Smith K, Li H, Hudson MM, Heideman RL, Kun LE: Hypothalamic obesity in children caused by cranial insult: altered glucose and insulin dynamics and reversal by a somatostatin agonist. J Pediatr 135:162-168, 1999.
- Rose SR, Lustig RH, Pitukcheewanont P, Broome DC, Burghen GA, Li H, Hudson MM, Kun LE, Heideman RL: Hidden central hypothyroidism in survivors of childhood cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84:4472-4479, 1999.
- Kaste SC, Chesney RW, Hudson MM, Lustig RH, Rose SR, Carbone LD: Bone mineral density during and after therapy of childhood cancer: an increasing population with multiple risk factors for impaired bone health. J Bone and Min Res 14:2010-2014, 1999.
- Rose SR, Lustig RH, Burstein S, Pitukcheewanont P, Broome DC, Burghen GA: Diagnosis of ACTH deficiency: comparison of overnight metyrapone test to either low-dose or high-dose ACTH test. Hormone Res 52:73-79, 1999.
- Kaste SC, Jones-Wallace D, Rose SR, Boyett JM, Lustig RH, Rivera GK, Pui CH, Hudson MM: Bone mineral decrements in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: frequency of occurrence and risk factors for their development. Leukemia 15:728-734, 2001.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Cowan PA, Arheart KL, Buffington CK, Spencer KA, Connelly BE, Cowan GSM, Lustig RH: Suppression of insulin secretion is associated with weight loss and altered macronutrient intake and preference in a subset of obese adults. Int J Obesity 27:219-226, 2003.
- Merchant TE, Kienha EN, Sanford RA, Mulhern RK, Thompson SP, Wilson MW, Lustig RH, Kun LE: Craniopharyngioma: the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital experience 1984-2001. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 53: 533-542, 2002.
- Merchant TE, Kun LE, Williams T, Smith JM, Rose SR, Danish RK, Burghen GA, Kun LE, Lustig RH: Preirradiation endocrinopathies in pediatric brain tumor patients determined by dynamic tests of endocrine function. Int J Rad Oncol Biophys 54:45-50, 2002.
- Merchant TE, Goloubeva O, Pritchard DL, Gaber MW, Xiong X, Danish RK, Lustig RH: Radiation dose-volume effects on growth hormone secretion. Int J Rad Oncol Biophys 52:1263-1270, 2002.
- Leung W, Rose SR, Zhou Y, Hancock ML, Burstein S, Schriock EA, Lustig R, Danish RK, Evans WE, Hudson MM, Pui CH: Outcomes of growth hormone replacement therapy in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 20:2959-2964, 2002.
- Lustig RH, Post SR, Srivannaboon K, Rose SR, Danish RK, Burghen GA, Xiong X, Wu S, Merchant TE: Risk factors for the development of obesity in children surviving brain tumors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:611-616, 2003.
- Lustig RH, Hinds PS, Ringwald-Smith K, Christensen RK, Kaste SC, Schreiber RE, Rai SN, Lensing SY, Wu S, Xiong X: Octreotide therapy of pediatric hypothalamic obesity: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:2586-2592, 2003.
- Cashion AK, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Arheart KL, Hathaway DK, Buffington CK, Lustig RH: Indices of autonomic activity correlate with indices of insulin and glucose metabolism in obese adults (in preparation).
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Cowan PA, Umpierrez GE, Lustig RH, Cashion AK, Burghen GA: Racial differences in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) concentrations and insulin dynamics during oral glucose tolerance testing in obese subjects. Int J Obesity 27:1359-1364, 2003.
- Rose SR, Schreiber RE, Kearney NS, Hudson MM, Lustig RH, Danish RK, Burghen GA, Hudson MM: Hypothalamic dysfunction after chemotherapy. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 17:55-66, 2004.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Umpierrez GE, Lustig RH, Cashion AK, Cowan PA, Christensen M, Spencer KA, Burghen GA: Race affects insulin and GLP-1 secretion and response to a long-acting somatostatin analogue in obese adults. Int J Obesity 28:1-4, 2004.
- Lustig RH, Sen S, Soberman JE, Velasquez-Mieyer PA: Obesity, leptin resistance, and the effects of insulin suppression. Int J Obesity 28:1344-1348, 2004.
- Merchant TE, Mulhern RK, Krasin MJ, Kun LE, Williams T, Li C, Xiong X, Lustig RH, Boop FA, Sanford RA: Preliminary results from a phase II trial of conformal radiation therapy of radiation-related CNS effects for pediatric patients with localized ependymoma. J Clin Oncol 22:3156-3162, 2004.
- Preeyasombat C, Bacchetti P, Lazar AA, Lustig RH: Racial and etiopathologic dichotomies in insulin hypersecretion and resistance in obese children. J Pediatr 146:474-481, 2005.
- Feldman BJ, Rosenthal SM, Vargas GA, Fenwick RG, Huang EA, Matsuda-Abedini M, Lustig RH, Matthias RS, Portale AJ, Miller WL, Gitelman SE: Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis. N Engl J Med 352(18):1884-1890, 2005.
- Rose SR, Danish RK, Kearney NS, Schreiber RE, Lustig RH, Burghen GA, Hudson MM: ACTH deficiency in childhood cancer survivors. Ped Blood Cancer 44:1-6, 2005.
- Isganaitis E, Lustig RH: Fast food, central nervous system insulin resistance, and obesity. Arterioscl Thromb Vasc Biol 25:2451-2462, 2005.
- Lustig RH, Greenway F, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Heimberger D, Schumacher D, Smith D, Smith W, Soler N, Warsi G, Berg W, Maloney J, Benedetto J, Zhu W, Hohneker J: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding trial of a long acting formulation of octreotide in promoting weight loss in obese adults with insulin hypersecretion. Int J Obesity 30:331-341, 2006.
- Lustig RH, Mietus-Snyder ML, Bacchetti P, Lazar AA, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Christensen ML: Insulin dynamics predict BMI and z-score response to insulin suppression or sensitization pharmacotherapy in obese children. J Pediatr 148:23-29, 2006.
- Lustig RH: Childhood obesity: behavioral aberration or biochemical drive? Reinterpreting the First Law of Thermodynamics. Nature Clin Practice Endo Metab 2:447-458, 2006.\
- Madsen KA, Yen S, Wlasiuk L, Newman TB, Lustig R: Feasibility of a dance video game to promote weight loss. Arch Ped Adol Med 161:105-107, 2007.
- Pardee PE, Norman GJ, Lustig RH, Preud’homme D, Schwimmer JB: Television viewing and hypertension in obese children. Am J Prev Med 33:439-443, 2007.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Cowan PA, Pérez-Faustinelli S, Nieto-Martínez R, Villegas-Barreto C, Tolley EA, Lustig RH, Alpert BS: Racial disparity in glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and inflammation markers among severely obese adolescents. Diab Care 31:770-775, 2008.
- Bremer AA, Ranadive S, Lustig RH: Outpatient transition of an infant with permanent neonatal diabetes due to an activating mutation in KCNJ11 from subcutaneous insulin to an oral sulfonylurea. Pediatr Diabetes 9:236-239, 2008.
- Chen JL, Weiss S, Heyman MB, Vittinghoff E, Lustig R: Pilot study of an individually tailored educational program by mail to promote healthy weight in Chinese-American children. J Ped Spec Nursing 13:212-222, 2008.
- Raman A, Fitch M, Hudes ML, Lustig RH, Murray CB, Ikeda JP, Fleming SE: Baseline correlates of insulin resistance in inner city high BMI African American children. Obesity 16:2039-2045, 2008.
- Accurso A, Bernstein RK, Dahlqvist A, Draznin B, Feinman RD, Fine EJ, Gleed A, Jacobs DB, Larson G, Lustig RH, Manninen AH, McFarlane SI, Morrison K, Nielsen JV, Ravnskov U, Roth KS, Silvestre R, Sowers JR, Sundberg R, Volek JS, Westman EC, Wood RJ, Wortman J, Vernon MC: Dietary carbohydrate reduction in Type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. A critical re-appraisal. Nutr Metab 5/1/9, 2008.
- Braithwaite DK, Moore DH, Lustig RH, Epel, ES, Ong KK, Rehkopf DH, Wang MC, Miller SM, Hiatt RA: Socioeconomic status in relation to early menarche among black and white girls. Cancer Causes Control 20:713-720, 2009.
- Nguyen S, Choi HK, Lustig RH, Hsu CY: Sugar-sweetened beverages, serum uric acid, and blood pressure in adolescents. J Pediatr 154:807-813, 2009. Letter to the Editor reply, 156:861-862, 2010.
- Merchant TE, Conklin HM, Wu S, Lustig RH, Xiong X: Late effects of conformal radiation therapy for pediatric patients with low-grade glioma: prospective evaluation of cognitive, endocrine and hearing deficits. J Clin Oncol 27:3691-3697, 2009.
- Madsen KA, Garber AK, Mietus-Snyder ML, Valente JK, Tran CT, Wlasiuk L, Matos RI, Neuhaus J, Lustig RH: A lifestyle intervention for pediatric obesity: efficacy and behavioral and biochemical predictors of response. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 22:805-814, 2009.
- Raman A, Lustig RH, Fitch M, Fleming SE: Accuracy of self-assessed Tanner staging against hormonal assessment of sexual maturation in overweight African-American children. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 22:609-622, 2009.
- Wilson DM, Abrams SH, Aye T, Lee PD, Lenders C, Lustig RH, Osganian SV, Feldman HA, Glaser Pediatric Research Network Obesity Study Group: Intraperitoneal fat and insulin resistance in obese adolescents. Obesity 18:402-409, 2010.
- Wilson DM, Abrams SH, Aye T, Lee PD, Lenders C, Lustig RH, Osganian SV, Feldman HA, Glaser Pediatric Research Network Obesity Study Group: Metformin extended release treatment of adolescent obesity. A 48-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 48-week follow-up. Arch Ped Adol Med 164:116-123, 2010.
- Chen JL, Weiss S, Heyman MB, Lustig R: Risk factors for obesity and high blood pressure in Chinese American children: maternal acculturation and children’s food choices. J Minority Immigrant Health DOI 10.1007/s10903-009-9288-x, epub Sept 21, 2009.
- Raman A, Lustig RH, Fitch MD, Hudes ML, Ritchie L, Fleming SE: Insulin resistance is improved in overweight African American boys but not in girls following a one-year multidisciplinary community intervention program. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 23:109-120, 2010.
- Chen JL, Weiss S, Heyman MB, Lustig RH: Efficacy of a child-centered and family-based program in promoting healthy weight and healthy behaviors in Chinese American children: a randomized controlled study. J Pub Health 32:219-229, 2010.
- Sharma S, Roberts LS, Hudes ML, Lustig RH, Fleming SE: Macronutrient intakes and cardiometabolic risk factors in high BMI African American children. Nutr Metab 6:41, 2009.
- Sharma S, Roberts LR, Lustig RH, Fleming SE: Carbohydrate intake and cardiometabolic risk factors in high BMI African American children. Nutr Metab 7:10, 2010.
- Lustig RH: Fructose: metabolic, hedonic, and societal parallels with ethanol. J Am Diet Assoc 110:1307-1321, 2010. 1st Letter to the editor reply 111:220-222, 2011. 2nd Letter to the editor reply 111:990-993, 2011.
- Lim JS, Mietus-Snyder ML, Valente A, Schwarz JM, Lustig RH: Role of fructose in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and the metabolic syndrome. Nature Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 7:251-264, 2010.
- Chen JL, Weiss SJ, Heyman MB, Cooper B, Lustig RH: The active balance childhood program for improving coping and quality of life in Chinese American children. Nursing Research 59:270-279, 2010.
- Aslan IR, Ranadive SA, Ersoy BA, Rogers SJ, Lustig RH, Vaisse C: Bariatric surgery outcome in a patient with complete MC4R deficiency. Int J Obesity 35:457-461, 2011.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Lustig RH, Epel E, Caughey AB, Munoz RF, Shiboski SC, Heyman MB: Chronic maternal depression is associated with reduced weight gain in Latino infants from birth to 2 years of age. PLoS One 6:e16737. Doi 10.1341/ journal.pone.0016737, 2011.
- Sharma S, Lustig RH, Fleming SE: Identifying metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese African-American children using fasting HOMA-IR in place of glucose. Prev Chronic Dis 8:A64, 2011.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn M, McCracken M, Vittinghoff E: Sex differences in statural growth impairment in Crohn’s disease: Role of IGF-1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 17:2318-2325, 2011.
- Chen JL, Weiss S, Heyman MB, Cooper B, Lustig RH: The efficacy of the web-based childhood obesity prevention program in Chinese American adolescents (Web ABC Study). J Adolesc Health 49:148-154, 2011.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Lustig RH, Caughey AB, Munoz RF, Heyman MB: Infant formula, tea, and water supplementation of Latino infants at 4-6 weeks postpartum. J Hum Lactation 27:122-130, 2011.
- Merchant TE, Rose SR, Bosley C, Wu S, Xiong X, Lustig RH: Growth hormone secretion after conformal radiation therapy in pediatric patients with localized brain tumors. J Clin Oncol 29:4776-4780, 2011.
- Daubenmier J, Kristeller J, Hecht FM, Maninger N, Kuwata M, Jhaveri K, Lustig RH, Kemeny M, Karan L, Epel ES: Mindfulness intervention for stress eating on cortisol and abdominal fat among overweight and obese women: an exploratory randomized controlled study. J Obesity 2011:651936. Epub Oct 2, 2011.
- Bremer AA, Mietus-Snyder ML, Lustig RH: State of the art: toward a unifying hypothesis of metabolic syndrome. Pediatrics 129:557-570, 2012.
- Rhodes ET, Goran MI, Lieu TA, Lustig RH, Prosser LA, Songer TJ, Weigensberg MJ, Weinstock RS, Gonzalez T, Rawluk K, Zoghbi RM, Ludwig DS, Laffel LM: Health-related quality of life in adolescents with or at risk of type 2 diabetes. J Pediatr 160:911-917, 2012.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn MA, Vittinghoff E: Determination of bone age in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease should be a part of routine care. Inflammatory Bowel Dis epub May 2, 2012.
- Tomiyama AJ, Schamarek I, Lustig RH, Kirschbaum C, Puterman E, Havel PJ, Epel ES: Leptin concentrations in response to acute stress predict subsequent intake of comfort food. Physiol Behav 107:34-39, 2012.
- Wolkowitz OM, Bryk J, Mellon SH, Epel ES, Blackburn EH, Lin J, Lustig RH, Havel PJ, Reus VI, Burke HM, Rosser R, Coetzee J, Mahan L, Coy M, Hamilton SP, Nelson CJ: Serum leptin concentrations and telomere length in MDD and in controls. European Journal Of Psychotraumatology doi: 10.3402/ejpt.v3i0.19374, 2012.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn M, Vittinghoff E: Menarche in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease. Dig Dis Sci 57:2975-2981, 2012.
- Perito ER, Tsai PM, Hawley S, Lustig RH, Feldstein VA: Targeted hepatic ultrasound during clinic visits for detection of fatty liver in overweight children: a pilot study. J Ultrasound Med 32:637-643, 2013.
- Harley KG, Aguilar Schall R, Chevrier J, Tyler K, Aguirre H, Bradman A, Holland NT, Lustig RH, Calafat AM, Eskenazi B: Prenatal and postnatal bisphenol A exposure and body mass index in childhood in the CHAMACOS cohort. Envir Health Perspect 121:514-520, 2013.
- Volberg V, Harley K, Aguilar R, Huen K, Yousefi P, Dave V, Phan C, Eskenazi B, Lustig RH, Holland NT: Associations between perinatal factors and adiponectin and leptin in 9-year-old Mexican-American children. Pediatr Obesity 8:454-463, 2013.
- Basu S, Yoffe P, Hills N, Lustig RH: The relationship of sugar to population-level diabetes prevalence: an econometric analysis of repeated cross-sectional data. PLoS One 8(2): e57873, 2013.
- Alkon A, Harley KG, Neilands TB, Tambellini K, Lustig RH, Boyce WT, Eskenazi B: Latino children’s body mass index at 2 to 3.5 years predicts sympathetic nervous system activity at 5 years. Childhood Obesity 10:214-224, 2014.
- Daubenmier J, Lustig RH, Hecht FM, Kristeller J, Wooley J, Adam T, Dallman MF, Epel ES: A new biomarker of hedonic eating? A preliminary investigation of cortisol and nausea responses to acute opioid blockade. Appetite 74:92-100, 2014.
- Aschbacher K, Kornfeld S, Picard M, Puterman E, Havel P, Stanhope K, Lustig RH, Epel ES: Chronic stress increases vulnerability to diet-related abdominal fat, oxidative stress, and metabolic risk. Psychoneuroendocrinol 46:14-22, 2014.
- Mason AE, Laraia B, Daubenmier J, Hecht FM, Lustig RH, Puterman E, Adler N, Dallman M, Kiernan M, Gearhardt AN, Epel ES: Putting the brakes on the “drive to eat”: Pilot effects of naltrexone and reward based eating on food cravings among obese women. Eating Behaviors 19:53-56, 2015.
- Mason AE, Lustig RH, Brown RR, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Moran PJ, Dallman MF, Laraia B, Adler N, Hecht FR, Daubenmier J, Epel ES: Acute responses to opioidergic blockade as a biomarker of hedonic eating among obese women enrolled in a mindfulness-based weight loss intervention trial. Appetite 91:311-320, 2015.
- Mason AE, Epel ES, Kristeller J, Moran P, Dallman M, Lustig RH, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Laraia B, Hecht FM, Daubenmier J: Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on mindful eating, sweets consumption, and fasting glucose levels in obese adults: Data from the SHINE randomized controlled trial. J Behav Med 39:201-213, 2016.
- Lustig RH, Mulligan K, Noworolski S, Gugliucci A, Erkin-Cakmak A, Wen MJ, Tai VW, Schwarz JM: Isocaloric fructose restriction and metabolic improvement in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Obesity 24:453-460. Letter to the Editor reply 24:550, 2016.
- Daubenmier J, Epel ES, Moran PJ, Kristeller J, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Kemeny ME, Dallman M, Lustig RH, Grunfeld C, Nixon DF, Milush JM, Goldman V, Kiernan M, Laraia B, Hecht FM: Effects of a mindfulness-based weight loss program in obese adults: a randomized clinical trial. Obesity 24:794-804, 2016.
- Perito ER, Lustig RH, Rosenthal P: Metabolic syndrome components after pediatric liver transplantation: prevalence and the impact of obesity and immunosuppression. Am J Transplant 16:1909-1916, 2016.
- Lee PD, Lustig RH, Lenders C, Baillargeon J, Wilson DM; Glaser Pediatric Research Network Obesity Study Group. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 predicts insulin sensitivity and insulin area-under-the-curve in obese, nondiabetic adolescents. Endocr Pract 22:136-142, 2016.
- Rodriguez LA, Madsen KA, Cotterman C, Lustig RH: Added sugar intake and metabolic syndrome in US adolescents: cross-sectional analysis of NHANES 2005-2012. Public Health Nutrition 19:2424-2434, 2016.
- Mason AE, Daubenmier J, Moran PJ, Lustig RH, Dallman MF, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Laraia B, Brown R, Hecht FM, Epel ES: Reduced reward-driven eating accounts for the impact of a diet and exercise intervention with mindfulness training on weight loss: data from the SHINE randomized controlled trial. Appetite 100:86-93, 2016.
- Gugliucci A, Lustig RH, Caccavello R, Erkin-Cakmak A, Noworolski SM, Tai VW, Wen MJ, Mulligan K, Schwarz JM: Short-term isocaloric fructose restriction lowers apoC-III levels and yields less atherogenic lipoprotein profiles in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Atherosclerosis 253:171-177, 2016.
- Eskenazi B, Rauch SA, Tenerelli R, Huen K, Holland NT, Lustig RH, Kogut K, Bradman A, Sjodin A, Harley KG. In utero and childhood DDT, DDE, PBDE and PCBs exposure and sex hormones in adolescent boys: The CHAMACOS study. Int J Hygiene Environ Health epub Nov 14, 2016, pii: S1438-4639(16)30264-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.11.001.
- Perito ER, Lustig RH, Rosenthal PJ: Prediabetes in pediatric liver transplant recipients: mechanism and risk factors. J Pediatr 182:223-231.e3, 2017.
- Harley KG, Rauch SA, Chevrier J, Kogut K, Parra, Trujillo C, Lustig RH, Greenspan LG, Sjödin A, Bradman A, Eskenazi B: Association of prenatal and childhood PBDE exposure with timing of puberty in boys and girls. Environ Int epub Jan 17, 2017 pii: S0160-4120(16)30694-8. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2017.01.003
- Perito ER, Vase T, Ramachandran R, Phelps A, Jen KY, Lustig RH, Feldstein VL, Rosenthal P: Hepatic steatosis after pediatric liver transplant. Liver Transplantation April 20 doi: 10.1002/lt.24773.
- Klonoff DC, Lustig RH: Non-alcoholic fatty pancreas disease – the cause of elevated pancreatic enzymes in type 2 diabetes patients who are asymptomatic for pancreatitis (submitted).
- Laraia BA, Adler NE, Coleman-Phox K, Vieten C, Mellin L, Kristeller JL, Thomas M, Stotland N, Lustig RH, Dallman MF, Hecht FM, Bush N, DeGroat CL, Epel ES: Novel Interventions to reduce stress and overeating in overweight pregnant women: a feasibility study (submitted).
- Schwarz JM, Noworolski SM, Gugliucci A, Jones G, Erkin-Cakmak A, Tai VW, Wen M, Palii SP, Sinclair E, Korn N, Velasco-Alin M, Lustig RH, Mulligan K: Fructose restriction, liver fat, de novo lipogenesis, and insulin kinetics in children with metabolic syndrome (submitted).
- Epel E, Laraia B, Coleman-Phox K, Leung C, Vieten C, Mellin, L, Kristeller J, Thomas M, Stotland N, Bush N, Lustig RH, Dallman M, Hecht R, Adler N: Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on distress, weight gain, and glucose control for pregnant low-income women: A controlled trial (submitted).
- Vreman RA, Goodell AJ, Rodriguez LA, Porco TC, Lustig RH, Kahn JG: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as a mediator of sugar effects; implications for the health and economic benefits of interventions in the US (submitted).
- Pine MB, Bing OHL, Brooks WW, Lustig RH, Abelmann WH: Changes in ion flux in ischemic rat myocardium. Presented to the American Heart Association, Miami Beach, FL, 1976.
- Rauh WH, Lustig RH, Gottesdiener K, Levine LS, New MI: DOC and 18-OH DOC in juvenile hypertension. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, New York, NY, 1978.
- Schriock EA, Lustig RH, Rosenthal SM, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM: Response of growth hormone deficient patients to synthetic growth hormone-releasing factor: diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA, 1984.
- Lustig RH, Kogan BA, Conte FA, Grumbach MM: Endocrinologic considerations in boys with bilateral anorchia. Presented to the American Urologic Association, Atlanta, GA, 1985.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW: Opioidergic antagonism advances the timing of onset of the rat proestrus LH surge. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Anaheim, CA, 1986.
- Lustig RH, Pfaff DW, Mobbs CV: Effects of estradiol on protein synthesis in the rat ventromedial nucleus (VMN) in vivo: densitometric analysis. Presented to the Endocrine Society, New Orleans, LA, 1988.
- Lustig RH, Mobbs CV, Pfaff DW, Fishman J: Sex differences in lordosis effects of estrogen metabolites: implications for rat brain estrogen receptor dynamics. Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, Ont., 1988.
- Lustig RH, Sudol M, Pfaff DW, Federoff HJ: Estrogen regulation of neuronal growth-associated protein 43 kDa (GAP-43) mRNA in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) of the female rat. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Atlanta, GA, 1990.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Wilson MC, Federoff HJ: Ontogeny and sex dimorphism of neural-specific messenger RNA’s in the rat. Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- Lustig RH, Baas PW: Estrogen effects in neural cells in vitro: morphologic characterization of estrogen receptor-transfected PC12 cells. Presented to the 4th Joint LWPES/ESPE Pediatric Endocrinology meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1993.
- Lustig RH, Parker CJ, Jordan VC: MCF-7 cell proliferation kinetics after withdrawal of 16-hydroxyestrone (16OHE1), estradiol (E2), or estriol (E3). Presented to the Endocrine Society, Las Vegas, NV, 1993.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Yu W, Ahmad FJ, Baas PW: Estrogen induction of neurite outgrowth, neuritic spine formation, and gap junctions in estrogen receptor (ER)-transfected PC12 cells in vitro. Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, 1993.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Smith LS, Wang CH, Chang C: Androgen action on neurons in vitro: alterations in neuritic arborization and implications for developmental plasticity. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Seattle, WA, 1994.
- Lustig RH, Hua P, Smith LS, Wang CH, Chang C: Androgen induction of neurite outgrowth and arborization in androgen receptor (AR)-transfected PC12 cells in vitro. Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach, FL, 1994.
- Lustig RH, Baas PW: Androgen stimulates neuritic arborization in PC12 cells by disrupting actin filaments. Presented to the Second International Androgen Workshop, Long Beach, CA, 1995.
- Lustig RH, Sharp DJ, Baas PW: Androgen stimulates axonal outgrowth at the expense of dendritic outgrowth in primary hippocampal neurons in culture. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Washington, DC, 1995.
- Bernhardt DT, Landry GL, Allen DB, Lustig RH, Wilson M, Vailas A, Epstein S, Koscik RL, Checovich M: Bone mineral markers as predictors of altered bone mineral density in amenorrheic athletes. Presented to the Society for Sports Medicine, 1996.
- Rose SR, Shope S, Burstein S, Burghen G, Lustig R, Pitukcheewanont P, Hodnicak V, Robley V, Hudson M, Kun L: Hypothyroidism after childhood tumors. Presented to the 10th International Congress of Endocrinology, San Francisco, 1996.
- Zhang L, Naiki Y, Chang YT, Haider A, Copeland K, Lustig R, Morgan G, Mowat D, Moll G, Schwartz ID, Pang S: An update to define the hormonal criteria for inherited severe and mild 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-HSD) deficiency disorder and hormonal expression in carriers for 3-HSD deficiency. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Minneapolis, MN 1997.
- Rose SR, Lustig R, Pitukcheewanont P, Burghen G, Burstein S, Shope S, Fitzhugh C, Hudson M, Heideman R, Kun L: Hypothyroidism after childhood tumors. Presented to the 5th Joint LWPES/ESPE Pediatric Endocrinology meeting, Stockholm, Sweden 1997.
- Lustig RH: Treatment of hypothalamic obesity with octreotide: role of insulin as etiologic agent. Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA 1997.
- Lustig RH, Rose SR, Burghen GA, Broome DC, Hudson MM, Heideman RL, Smith K, Kun LE: Hypothalamic obesity is due to insulin hypersecretion: reversal with octreotide. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA 1998.
- Rose, SR, Lustig RH, Burghen GA, Burstein SR, Pitukcheewanont P, Broome DC, Hodnicak V, Beaver K, Hollingsworth Y, Walker S: Diagnosis of ACTH deficiency: low dose and one-hour ACTH test versus overnight metyrapone test. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA 1998.
- Broome DC, Lustig RH, Burstein S, Hodnicak V, Rose SR: Growth response to GH therapy according to peak GH. Submitted to the Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA 1998.
- Lustig RH, Rose SR, Pitukcheewanont P, Broome DC, Blackwell A, Burghen GA: Metformin effects on weight and insulin secretion in adolescent females with obesity/hyperinsulinemia/acanthosis nigricans (OHAN). Presented to the 11th National Cooperative Growth Study, New Orleans, LA 1998.
- Broome DC, Burghen GA, Rose SR, Lustig RH: Central hypothyroidism in pediatric patients with diabetes. Submitted to the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA 1999.
- Lustig RH, Rose SR, Burghen GA, Hudson MM: Prevalence of obesity in adult survivors of childhood cancer: role of cranial insult. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA 1999.
- Kaste SC, Hudson MM, Jones-Wallace DJ, Lustig RH, Rose SR, Hazard M, Boyett JM, Pui CH: Diminished bone mineral density in childhood ALL survivors: risk factors for its development. Presented to the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Warsaw, Poland 1999.
- Kaste SC, Hudson MM, Jones-Wallace DJ, Lustig RH, Rose SR, Hazard M, Boyett JM, Pui CH: Diminished bone mineral density in childhood ALL survivors: risk factors for its development. Presented to the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, St. Louis, MO 1999.
- Merchant TE, Smith JM, Williams T, Kun LE, Rose SR, Broome DC, Danish RK, Burghen GA, Lustig RH: Pre-irradiation endocrinopathies in pediatric patients determined by dynamic tests of endocrine function. Presented to American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA 2000.
- Burghen GA, Christensen ML, Kritchevsky SB, West B, Rose SR, Faulkner MS, Parnell DI, Broome DC, Danish R, Velasquez-Mieyer P, Lustig R: Type 2 diabetes mellitus epidemic in African-American children. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Boston, MA 2000.
- Burghen GA, Christensen ML, Kritchevsky SB, West B, Rose SR, Faulkner MS, Parnell DI, Broome DC, Danish R, Velasquez-Mieyer P, Lustig R: Characteristics of Type 1 and Type 2 new-onset diabetes in children. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Boston, MA 2000.
- Velasquez-Mieyer P, Cowan GSM, Buffington CK, Connelly BE, Spencer KA, Lustig RH: Monthly injections of long-acting octreotide promotes insulin suppression and weight loss in adults with severe obesity. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2000.
- Rose SR, Merchant TE, Smith JM, Williams T, Kun LE, Danish RK, Burghen GA, Lustig RH: Endocrinopathies prior to radiation therapy for childhood brain tumors. Presented to the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology, Brussels, Belgium, 2000.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Cowan GSM, Buffington CK, Arheart KL, Connelly BE, Spencer KA, Lustig RH: Primary insulin hypersecretion: a specific and remediable subtype of obesity. Presented to the 11th International Congress of Endocrinology, Sydney, Australia 2000.
- Buffington CK, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Cowan GSM, Arheart KL, Connelly BE, Lustig RH: Effects of octreotide on insulin suppression, and modulation od appetite, food preference, and body weight in obesity. Presented to the 11th International Congress of Endocrinology, Sydney, Australia 2000.
- Cashion AK, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Arheart KL, Hathaway DK, Joplin P, Buffington CK, Lustig RH: Correlations between autonomic function, -cell activity, insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance in obese subjects. Presented to the 11th International Congress of Endocrinology, Sydney, Australia 2000.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Christensen ML, Lustig RH, Buffington CK, Sinclair J, Rose SR, Danish RK, Burghen GA: Role of race and obesity in the pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children. Presented to the 11th International Congress of Endocrinology, Sydney, Australia 2000.
- Lustig RH, Christensen ML, Tosson HM, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Arheart KL, Danish RK, Burghen GA: Racial dichotomy in the Body Mass Index (BMI) response to metformin pharmacotherapy for obesity/insulin resistance in children. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD 2001.
- S, Merchant TE: Risk factors for obesity in children surviving brain tumors. Presented to the 6th LWPES/ESPE Joint Meeting, Montreal, PQ, Canada 2001.
- Lustig RH, Hinds PM, Smith K, Christensen RK, Kaste SC, Mackert PW, Schreiber RE, Rai S, Lensing S, Wu S, Xiong X: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of octreotide in pediatric hypothalamic obesity. Presented to the 6th LWPES/ESPE Joint Meeting, Montreal, PQ, Canada 2001.
- Rose SR, Schreiber RE, Kearney N, Hudson MM, Lustig RH, Danish RK, Burghen GA: Hormone deficiencies after chemotherapy alone. Presented to the 6th LWPES/ESPE Joint Meeting, Montreal, PQ, Canada 2001.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Umpierrez GE, Lustig RH, Cashion AK, Cowan PA, Burghen GA: Racial differences in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and insulin secretion during oral glucose tolerance test in obese non-diabetic subjects. Presented to the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA 2002.
- Cashion AK, Cowan PA, Lustig RH, Hathaway DK, Joplin P, Burghen GA, Christensen ML, Velasquez-Mieyer PA: Correlations between autonomic function and enteroinsular axis in obese subjects. Submitted to the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA 2002.
- Lustig RH, Soberman JE, Velasquez-Mieyer PA: Leptin sensitivity improves with insulin suppression in obese subjects. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Philadelphia, PA 2003.
- Lustig R, Greenway F, Velasquez P, Heimburger D, Schumacher D, Smith D, Smith W, Soler N, Zhu W, Hedrick J, Hohneker J: Weight loss in obese adults with insulin hypersecretion treated with Sandostatin LAR® Depot. Presented to North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 2003.
- Lustig RH, Preeyasombat C, Lazar A, Bacchetti P: Insulin secretion vs. insulin resistance in obese children: categorization by race and etiopathogenesis, and implications for therapy. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA 2004.
- Clement L, Cavazos M, Zhang S, Patti M, Merriman R, Lustig R, Kane J, Bagatelos K, Ostroff J, Vaisse C: Functionally relevant pro-opiomelanocortin mutations as a frequent cause of severe human obesity. Presented to the Endocrine Society, New Orleans, LA 2004.
- Lustig RH, Bacchetti P, Lazar AA, Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Christensen ML: Predictors of efficacy of insulin suppression/sensitization medications in reducing BMI Z-score (Z) in obese children. Presented to the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Las Vegas, NV 2004.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Perez-Faustinelli S, Cowan PA, Markee J, Lustig RH, Christensen ML, Dagogo-Jack S, Burghen GA: Assessing the interaction among enteroinsular activity (EIA), blood pressure (BP), and lipid profile in African-American (AA) youth with overweight. Submitted to the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Las Vegas, NV 2004.
- De La Torre RI, Garber AK, Mietus-Snyder ML, Tran CT, Madsen K, Orrell-Valente JK, Bostrom AG, Bacchetti P, Lustig RH: Predictors of efficacy of a biochemically-based pediatric weight management program. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, DC 2005.
- Mietus-Snyder ML, De La Torre RI, Garber AK, Tran CT, Madsen K, Orrell-Valente JK, Bostrom AG, Lustig RH: The triglyceride to high density lipoprotein Ratio (TG:HDL) predicts the metabolic syndrome in pediatric overweight. Presented to the Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, DC 2005.
- Lee PDK, Lustig RH, Feldman HA, Glaser Obesity Study Group: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1) predicts insulin sensitivity and area-under-the-curve insulin (AUC). Presented to the Endocrine Society, San Diego, CA 2005.
- Lustig R, Peterkova V, Skorodok J, De Schepper J, Velasquez-Mieyer P, Hollander A, Anderson J, Darby C, Tavorath R, Tran L: A global, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of octreotide-LAR for the treatment of pediatric hypothalamic obesity. Presented at 7th LWPES/ESPE Joint Meeting, Lyon, France 2005.
- Wertz MS, Glaser Obesity Study Group, Gitelman SE, Lustig RH: Health-related quality of life reported by overweight non-diabetic adolescents. Presented to Global Health through Nursing Science conference, Chicago, IL 2005.
- Madsen KA, Yen S, Wlasiuk L, Lustig RH: Pilot study of a dance video game to promote weight loss. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA 2006.
- Velasquez-Mieyer PA, Pruitt J, Perez-Faustinelli S, Villegas-Barreto C, Dagogo-Jack S, Lustig RH, Neira CP, Cowan PA. Racial disparities in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and inflammatory responses in obese adolescents. Presented to the International Congress of Obesity, Sydney, Australia 2006.
- Pardee P, Norman G, Lustig RH, Preud’homme D, Schwimmer JB: TV time as a predictor of hypertension in obese children. Presented to the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Boston, MA 2006 (Young Investigator Awards Finalist).
- Boss TJ, Peters JH, Patti MG, Lustig RH, Kral JG: Laparoscopic truncal vagotomy for severe obesity: early experience in 15 patients from a prospective two-center study. Presented to Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Las Vegas, NV 2007.
- Raman A, Fitch M, Hudes ML, Lustig RH, Fleming SE: Effect of self-esteem, diet and physical activity strategies on risk factors for Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in overweight African American children. Submitted to Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington, DC 2007.
- Boss TJ, Peters JH, Patti MG, Lustig RH, Kral JG: Laparoscopic truncal vagotomy for severe obesity: six month experience in 10 patients from a prospective, two-center study. Submitted to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, 2007.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Lustig RH, Caughey A, Vargas J, Muñoz, R, Heyman MB: Maternal postnatal depression and breastfeeding in a Latino cohort. Submitted to the Society for Pediatric Research, Toronto, Ont. CA 2007.
- Madsen KA, Garber AK, Mietus-Snyder ML, Orrell-Valente J, Tran CT, Wlasiuk L, Neuhaus J, Lustig RH: Predictors of success among children in a hospital-based obesity clinic. Presented to Society for Pediatric Research, Toronto, Ont. Canada 2007.
- Lustig RH, Meacham LR, Frane J, Frye C, Bakker B: Linear growth and BMI changes of children treated for five years with growth hormone (GH) following therapy for craniopharyngioma (CP): The National Cooperative Growth Study (NCGS) experience. Presented to European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Helsinki, Finland 2007.
- Boss TJ, Peters JH, Patti MG, Lustig RH, Kral JG: Laparoscopic truncal vagotomy for weight-loss: a prospective, multi-center safety and efficacy study. Presented to Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons 2008.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Vittinghoff E, Kohn M, Clark A, McCracken M, Heyman MB: Correlation between IGF-1 and inflammatory markers in children with Crohn’s disease. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Caughey A, Lustig RH, Munoz R, Heyman MB: Maternal postnatal depression and infant weight gain in a Latino cohort. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Caughey A, Lustig RH, Munoz R, Heyman MB: Maternal prenatal depression versus risk for macrosomia in Latino infants. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Caughey A, Lustig RH, Munoz R, Heyman MB: Tea and water supplementation of latino infants at 4-6 weeks postpartum. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Myers J, Clark E, Orrell-Valente J, Garber AK, Lustig RH, Mietus-Snyder ML: Contribution of biochemical vs. behavioral factors to waist circumference in obese children. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Langheier JA, Lustig RH: Environmental mediators of body mass index among San Francisco pediatric overweight patients. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu, HI 2008.
- Rhodes ET, Laffel LM, Lieu TA, Prosser LA, Goran MI, Indurkhya A, Lustig RH, Songer TJ, Weigensberg MJ, Weinstock RS, Ludwig DS: Health preferences for Type 2 Diabetes health states among children with or at risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Presented to the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA 2008.
- Nguyen S, Mietus-Snyder M, Lustig R, Choi HK, Hsu CY: Sugar added beverage consumption is associated with higher serum uric acid levels. Presented to the American Heart Association, New Orleans, LA 2008.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Vittinghoff E, Kohn M, Clark A, McCracken M, Heyman MB: Correlation of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-1) levels with inflammatory markers in pediatric Crohn’s disease. Presented to the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, San Diego, CA 2008.
- Gould MD, Jasik CB, Lustig RH, Garber AK: A clinic-based nutrition intervention improves self-efficacy to change behavior in obese adolescents and parents. Presented to the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2009.
- Jasik CB, Leggett H, Lustig RH, Garber AK, Madsen KA: Disordered eating behavior among obese adolescents seeking weight management. Presented to the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2009.
- Valente A, Mietus-Snyder ML, Garber AK, Lustig RH: Association between sugar sweetened beverage consumption and serum alanine aminotransferase in obese children. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, 2009.
- Mietus-Snyder ML, Sen S, Madsen KA, Tsai P, Garber AK, Lustig RH: Insulin resistance and demographic, behavioral, and metabolic factors in obese children. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, 2009.
- Langheier JA, Hiatt RA, Lustig RH: Assessing the predictive value of environmental versus laboratory and clinical models of BMI change in obese children. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, 2009.
- Aslan I, Ranadive S, Rogers ST, Lustig RH, Vaisse C: Effect of bariatric surgery in an obese adolescent male compound heterozygous for two functionally null MC4R mutations. Presented to the Endocrine Society, Washington, DC 2009.
- Lustig RH, Tsai P, Hirose S, Farmer DL: Treatment of hypothalamic obesity by laparoscopic truncal vagotomy: early experience. Presented to the 8th LWPES/ESPE Joint Meeting, New York, NY 2009.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Vittinghoff E, Kohn M, McCracken M, Heyman MB: Crohn’s disease and menarche in pediatric patients. Presented to the National Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Meeting, Washington, DC 2009.
- Sharma S, Roberts LS, Hudes ML, Lustig RH, Fleming SE: Sugar intake and cardiometabolic risk factors in high BMI African American children. Presented to the FASEB meeting, Anaheim, CA 2010.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn M, McCracken M, Vittinghoff E: Sex difference in IGF-1 z-scores may contribute to sex difference in growth impairment in Crohn’s disease (CD). Presented to Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, LA 2010.
- Wojcicki JM, Holbrook K, Caughey A, Lustig RH, Munoz R, Heyman MB: Risk factors for failure to thrive in latino children: maternal depression and associated factors. Presented to Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2010.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn M, McCracken M, Vittinghoff E: Sex difference in IGF-1 z-scores may contribute to sex difference in growth impairment in Crohn’s disease (CD). Presented to North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Orlando, FL, 2010.
- Lofberg KM, Farmer DL, Gress EA, Lustig RH, Heyman MB: Neural tube defects: an unforeseen consequence of gastric bypass? Presented to the American Academy of Pediatrics, San Francisco, CA, 2010.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn M, McCracken M, Vittinghoff E: Sex differences in statural growth impairment in Crohn’s Disease: role of IGF-1. Presented to the Crohns and Colitis Disease Foundation of America Research Conference, 2010.
- Rosas LG, Ehrlich S, Trujillo C, Abrams B, Lustig RH, Stafford R, Eskenazi B: The influence of gestational weight gain on childhood obesity in a Mexican American cohort. Presented to the Bay Area Clinical Research Symposium, San Francisco, CA 2010.
- Perito ER, Lustig RH, Bass NM: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation in obese children and adolescents: a predictor of insulin resistance and possible precursor to metabolic syndrome. Presented to Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, 2011.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn MA, Vittinghoff E: Menarche in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease. Presented to Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, 2011.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn MA, Vittinghoff E: Menarche in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease. Presented to North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Chicago, IL, 2011.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Kohn MA, Vittinghoff E: Determination of bone age in pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease should be a part of routine care. Presented at Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- Bryk J, Mellon SH, Epel ES, Blackburn E, Lin J, Lustig RH, Havel PJ, Reus VI, Burke H, Rosser R, Coetzee J, Mahan L, Coy M, Hamilton S, Nelson JC, Wolkowitz OM: Serum leptin concentrations and telomere length in MDD and in controls. Presented at International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2012.
- Wojcicki JM, Epel ES, Lustig RH, Heyman MB: Early exposure to maternal depression and future risk for obesity in preschool aged Latino children. Submitted to World Pediatric GI Congress, 2012.
- Alkon A, Harley KG, Neilands TB, Tambellini K, Lustig RH, Boyce WT, Eskenazi B: Latino Children’s BMI at 2 to 3.5 Years Predicts Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity at 5 Years. Presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, 2013.
- Hecht FM, Daubenmier J, Stimson R, Epel E, Moran P, Dallman M, Kemeny M, Kristeller J, Lustig R, Acree M, Bacchetti, P, Seckl J: A mindfulness-based intervention for obesity is associated with decreases in gene expression of inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue. Int Congress for Complementary Medicine Research, London, UK, 2013.
- Daubenmier J, Epel ES, Moran PJ, Kristeller J, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Kemeny ME, Dallman MF, Lustig RH, Grunfeld C, Nixon DF, Milush JM, Kiernan M, Laraia B, Hecht FM: A randomized controlled trial of mindful eating for obesity: the SHINE study.
- Schwarz JM, Noworolski SM, Wen M, Jones GM, Sinclair E, Dyachenko A, Tai V, Alin M, Erkin-Cakmak A, Gugliucci A, Mulligan K, Lustig RH: Isocaloric fructose restriction for 10 days reduces hepatic de novo lipogenesis and liver fat in Latino and African American children with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Presented to the Endocrine Society, San Diego, CA, 2015.
- Noworolski SM, Mulligan K, Korn N, Gibson M, Tai V, Erkin-Cakmak A, Gugliucci A, Lustig RH, Schwarz JM: Isocaloric fructose restriction for 10 days reduces MR measured liver, pancreatic and visceral fat in high-sugar consuming, obese children with metabolic syndrome. Presented to the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Ont. Canada, 2015.
- Schwarz JM, Wen M, Pan K, Tai V, Erkin-Cakmak A, Noworolski SM, Gugliucci A, Mulligan K, Lustig RH: Isocaloric fructose restriction for 10 days improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in obese Latino and African American children. Presented to World Obesity Forum, Berlin, Germany, 2015.
- Lustig RH, Wen M, Pan K, Tai V, Erkin-Cakmak A, Gugliucci A, Mulligan K, Schwarz JM, Noworolski SM: Reduction of fatty liver after short-term isocaloric fructose restriction in children with metabolic syndrome correlates with improvement in insulin dynamics. Presented to The Obesity Society, Los Angeles, CA, 2015. Award winner, best abstract.
- Meziou S, Ayotte P, Lustig RH, Roy C, St-Jean A, Lucas M: Weight status predicts metabolomic biomarker concentrations among youth, but it depends on age. Submitted to World Obesity Congress, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2016.
- Gugliucci A, Lustig RH, Caccavello R, Erkin-Cakmak A, Noworolski SM, Tai VW, Wen MJ, Mulligan K, Schwarz JM: Isocaloric fructose restriction lowers apoC-III levels and yields less atherogenic lipoprotein profiles in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Submitted to the International Atherosclerosis Society, 2016.
- Perito ER, Lustig RH, Rosenthal PJ: Impaired glucose tolerance in pediatric liver transplant recipients is associated with inadequate insulin secretion: impact of tacrolimus, puberty, and overweight. Presented to the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, Boston, MA, 2016.
- Schwarz JM, Noworolski SM, Gugliucci A, Jones GM, Tai V, Wen M, Palii SP, Sinclair EF, Korn N, Erkin-Cakmak A, Lustig RH, Mulligan K: Short-term fructose restriction decreases hepatic de novo lipogenesis and liver fat in obese children regardless of baseline liver fat content. Presented to the 34th Diabetes and Nutrition International Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
- Gupta N, Lustig RH, Gupta N, Lustig RH, Chao C, Vittinghoff E, Andrews H, Leu CS: Medications and serum biomarkers are associated with anthropometric measurements in pediatric Crohn’s Disease. Presented to Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, 2017.
- Hartman A, Wackerly A, Leung C, Mason AE, Ishkanian L, Jensen L, Wojcicki J, Schilf S, Schleicher S, Lustig RH, Schmidt L, Epel E: The impact of a sugared beverage sales ban with versus without a brief intervention on sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Presented to Society for Behavioral Medicine, 2017.
Non-Refereed Chapters, Reviews, and Editorials
- Schriock EA, Rosenthal SM, Egli CA, Harris DA, Hauffa BP, Hulse JA, Lustig RH, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM: Studies with growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) in the human. In: Raiti S and Tolman RA (eds), Human growth hormone. Plenum, New York, 1986, pp. 387-403.
- Lustig RH, Fishman J, Pfaff DW: Ovarian steroids and endogenous opioid peptide action in control of the rat LH surge. In: Dyer RG and Bicknell RJ (eds), Brain opioid systems in reproduction. Oxford, London, 1989, pp. 3-26.
- Lustig RH, Bradlow HL, Fishman J: Estrogen metabolism in disorders of nutrition and dietary composition. In: Pirke KM, Wuttke W, and Schweiger U (eds), The menstrual cycle and its disorders: influences of behavior, exercise, and neurotransmitters. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1989, pp. 119-132.
- Lustig RH, Hershcopf RJ, Bradlow HL: Effects of body weight and diet on estrogen metabolism and estrogen-dependent disease. In: Frisch RE (ed), Adipose tissue and reproduction. Proceedings in Reproductive Biology, Vol. 14, Karger, Basel, 1990, pp. 107-124.
- Lin TM, Lustig RH, Chang C: The role of androgens in the immune system. In: Marsh JA and Kendall MD (eds), The physiology of immunity. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996 263-276.
- Lustig RH: Sex hormonal modulation of neural development in vitro: implications for brain sex differentiation. In: Ellis L and Ebertz LA (eds), Males, females, and behavior: toward biologic understanding. Praeger, Westport, CT, 1998, pp. 13-25.
- Lustig RH: Childhood obesity. In: International symposium on a current review of pediatric endocrinology. Serono Symposia USA, Norwell, MA, 1999, pp. 133-139.
- Lustig RH: The role of insulin suppression in the treatment of obesity. In: The emerging role of somatostatin and octreotide in the endocrinology practice. AACE symposium supplement, Endocrine Practice, 2000.
- Lustig RH: Octreotide treatment of hyperinsulinism in obesity. In: Novel applications of long-acting octreotide. Endocrine Society symposium supplement, 2001.
- Lustig RH: ICE 2000: a review. Highlights 9:1-12, 2001.
- Lustig RH: Pediatric Genes 2000: a review. Highlights 9:13-18, 2001.
- Lustig RH: The neuroendocrinology of obesity. In: Klibanski AN (ed), Neuroendocrinology; Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2001, pp. 765-785.
- Lustig RH: The neuroendocrinology of childhood obesity. In: Styne DM (ed), Childhood and Adolescent Obesity; Pediatric Clinics of North America. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2001, pp. 909-930.
- Lustig RH: Corticosteroid replacement therapy. In: Lin AN, Paget S (eds), Principles of corticosteroid therapy. Edward Arnold, London, UK, 2002, pp. 205-220.
- Boehm BO, Lustig RH: Use of somatostatin receptor ligands in obesity and diabetic complications. In: Adler G (ed) Balliere’s Best Practice and Research, Clinical Gastroenterology, Disorders of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas, 16:493-509, 2002.
- Lustig RH: Hypothalamic obesity. Pituitary Network 10:8-9, 2002.
- Lustig RH: Hypothalamic obesity: the sixth cranial endocrinopathy. The Endocrinologist 12:210-217, 2002.
- Lustig RH: Autonomic dysfunction of the -cell and the pathogenesis of obesity. Rev Endocrinol Metab Dis 4:23-32, 2003.
- Lustig RH: New therapeutic approaches to obesity in children. Insulin suppressors and sensitizers. AAP Endocrinology newsletter 11:4-6, 2003.
- Lustig RH, Preeyasombat C, Velasquez-Mieyer PA: Childhood obesity. In: Pescovitz OH and Eugster E (eds), Pediatric endocrinology: mechanisms, manifestations, and management. Chapter 43, Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2004, pp. 683-714.
- Gupta N, Du R, Lustig RH, Fisch B, McDermott MW: Craniopharyngioma. In: Gupta N, Banerjee A, Haas-Kogan D (eds): Pediatric CNS tumors. 1st edition, Chapter 7, Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 123-142.
- Lustig RH: Optimizing growth hormone efficacy: an evidence-based analysis. Hormone Research 62(supp. 3):93-97, 2004.
- Lustig RH: Pediatric endocrine disorders of energy balance. Rev Endocr Metab Dis 6:245-260, 2005.
- Lustig RH: The “skinny” on obesity. MAGIC Foundation newsletter, April, 2006.
- Lustig RH: Obesity in survivors of childhood cancer. Ped Endocrinol Rev 3(supp. 2):306-311, 2006.
- Lustig RH: The “skinny” on childhood obesity: how our Western environment starves kids’ brains. Pediatr Annals 35:898-907, 2006.
- Geffner ME, Clarke WL, Fuqua J, Gordon CM, Kasa-Vubu JZ, Lee MM, Levitsky LL, Lustig RH, Menon RK, Rogol AD, Saenger P, Silverman L, Silverstein JH, White PC: The 2006 annual meeting of the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society (LWPES). Ped Endocrinology Rev 3:360-367, 2006.
- Lustig RH: The efferent arm of the energy balance pathway: neuroendocrinology and pathology. In: Donohoue PA (ed), Obesity and Energy Metabolism: Research and Clinical Applications. Contemporary Endocrinology, Conn PM (ed). Humana, Totowa, NJ, 2007, pp. 69-86.
- Cheung CC, Lustig RH: Pituitary development and physiology. Pituitary 10:335-350, 2007.
- Lustig RH: Pharmacotherapy to prevent weight regain. In: Issues in diabetes and obesity research and treatment: highlights from ENDO ’07. Endocrine Society, Chevy Chase, MD, 2007, pp 33-36.
- Lustig RH: Intensive approaches to the treatment of pediatric and adolescent obesity. In: Donahue W, Moore BA, Scott B (eds): Pediatric and adolescent obesity treatment: a comprehensive handbook. Routledge, New York, 2008, pp. 155-177.
- Lustig RH, Weiss R: Disorders of energy balance. In: Sperling MA (ed), Pediatric Endocrinology. Chapter 19, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, New York, 2008, pp. 788-838.
- Mietus-Snyder ML, Lustig RH: Childhood obesity: adrift in the “limbic triangle”. Ann Rev Med 59:147-162, 2008.
- Lustig RH, Bradlow HL: Obesity and cancer. In: Yeung SC, Escalante C, Gagel RF (eds): Medical care of cancer patients. Chapter 25, BC Decker, New York, 2008, pp. 216-225.
- Jasik CB, Lustig RH: Adolescent obesity and puberty: the “perfect storm”. In: Gordon C, Welt C, Hillard P, Matzuk M, Rebar R, Nelson L (eds): The menstrual cycle and adolescent health. Ann NY Acad Sci 1135:265-279, 2008.
- Lustig RH: Which comes first? The obesity or the insulin? The behavior or the biochemistry? Editorial in response to Han et al., J Pediatr 152:601-602, 2008.
- Lustig RH: Hypothalamic obesity: causes, consequences, treatment. Ped Endocr Rev 6:220-227, 2008.
- Moore PJ, Epel ES, Lustig RH: Can childhood obesity be reduced through sleep? U.S. Pediatrics 4:63-67, 2008.
- Lustig RH: The fructose epidemic. The Bariatrician, Spring 2009, pp. 10-19.
- Sughrue M, Fisch B, Lustig RH, McDermott MW: Craniopharyngioma. In: Gupta N, Banerjee A, Haas-Kogan D (eds): Pediatric CNS tumors, 2nd edition. Chapter 7, Springer, Berlin, 2009, pp. 135-158.
- Lustig RH: Fructose, insulin, and childhood obesity. Worcester Medicine 7:9-10, 2010.
- Lustig RH: The neuroendocrine regulation of energy balance. In: Freemark MS (ed) Pediatric obesity: etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. Contemporary Endocrinology (Conn PM, series editor). Springer, New York, 2010, Chapter 2, pp. 15-32.
- Lustig RH: Hypothalamic obesity. In: Freemark MS (ed) Pediatric obesity: etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment, Contemporary Endocrinology (Conn PM, series editor). Springer, New York, 2010, Chapter 26, pp. 377-388.
- Lustig RH: Obesity: nature or nurture? In: Lustig RH (ed): Obesity before birth: maternal and prenatal influences on the offspring. Endocrine Updates series (Melmed S, series editor), Vol. 30, Springer, New York, 2010, Chapter 1, pp. 1-22.
- Nguyen S, Lustig RH: Just a spoonful of sugar helps the blood pressure go up. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 8:1497-1499, 2010.
- Garber AK, Lustig RH: Is fast food addictive? Curr Drug Abuse Rev 4:146-162, 2011. Obesity after craniopharyngioma: mechanisms and treatment. In: Mueller HL, Kortmann RD, Flitsch J (eds): Craniopharyngioma – a childhood and adult disease with different characteristics. Front. Endocrin. 2:60. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2011.00060
- Bremer AA, Lustig RH: Effects of sugar-sweetened beverages on children. Ann Pediatr 41:26-30, 2012.
- Lustig RH, Schmidt LA, Brindis CD: Public health: The toxic truth about sugar. Nature 482:27-29, 2012.
- Lustig RH: Losing the fructose for the trees. Letter to the Editor, in response to White, commenting on Vos et al., J Ped Gastroenterol Nutr 54:439-440, 2012.
- Lustig RH: Diabetes and dietary fibre — directive or distraction? Editorial, in response to Ganesan et al., Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 40:230-231, 2012.
- Bereket A, Kiess W, Lustig RH, Muller HL, Goldstone AP, Weiss R, Yavuz Y, Hochberg Z: Hypothalamic obesity in children. Obesity Rev 13:780-798, 2012.
- Perito ER, Rodriguez LA, Lustig RH: Dietary treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 29:170-176, 2013.
- Weiss R, Bremer AA, Lustig RH: What is metabolic syndrome, and why are children getting it? In: The Year in Diabetes and Obesity (YDO) 2012, Ann NY Acad Sci 1281:123-140, 2013.
- Lustig RH: Fructose: it’s ‘alcohol without the buzz’. Adv Nutr 4:226-237, 2013.
- Lustig RH: A conversation with Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL. Interview by Stanford T Shulman.
- Pediatric Annals 42(7):296, 2013.
- Weiss R, Lustig RH: Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and disorders of energy balance. In: Sperling MA (ed), Pediatric Endocrinology, 4th Edition, Elsevier, New York, 2014, Chapter 22, pp. 956-1014.
- Schmidt LA, Patel A, Brindis CD, Lustig RH: Towards evidence-based policies for reduction of dietary sugars: lessons from the alcohol experience. In: Goran MI, Tappy L, Le KA (eds), Dietary sugars and health. Taylor and Francis, 2014, Chapter 26, pp. 371-390.
- Lustig RH: Metabolic syndrome and the “Western Diet”: science and politics. In: Kiess W, Wabitsch M, Maffeis C, Sharma A (eds), Metabolic syndrome and obesity in childhood and adolescence. Karger, Basel, 2015, vol. 19, pp.136-146.
- Lustig RH: Sugar — the “ditch” of American health care. San Francisco Medical Society Magazine, Vol 87, No. 6, July/August 2014, pp. 17-18. http://issuu.com/sfmedsociety/docs/july-aug_569253ed93f1fa/3?e=3533752/8682548
- Lustig RH: Review of health effects of sugar sweetened beverages. Ann Rev Pediatr 2015, pp. 87-89.
- Lustig RH: Debate: Sickeningly sweet: does sugar cause type 2 diabetes? YES. (NO by JL Sievenpiper). Can J Diabetes 40:282-286, 2016.
- Ostling L, Haas-Kogan D, Lustig RH, Gupta N: Craniopharyngioma. In: Gupta N, Banerjee A, Haas-Kogan D (eds), Pediatric CNS Tumors, 3rd Edition, Chapter 7, Springer, Berlin (in press).
- Lustig RH: Fructose and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Cal Dent Assoc 24:613-618, 2016.
- Erkin-Cakmak A, Lustig RH: Review of effects of soda warning labels. Ann Rev Pediatr pp.191-193, 2017.
- Lustig RH: Processed food: an experiment that failed. JAMA Pediatrics 171:212-214, 2017. Letter to the Editor response (in press).
- Lustig RH: Secrets for successful aging, from one who is ageless. Marin Public Health Letter (in press).
- Lustig RH: Should sugar be considered a dangerous drug? MetroDoctors Mar/April 2017. http://www.metrodoctors.com/dev/index.php/publications/metrodoctors-online/view-current-issue
- Lustig RH: Perspective on Markova et al., “Protein-rich diet can help manage type 2 diabetes, NAFLD”. Clinical Endocrinology News, doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2016.10.007), Jan 3, 2017. http://www.mdedge.com/clinicalendocrinologynews/article/128495/diabetes/protein-rich-diet-can-help-manage-type-2-diabetes?oc_slh=617972e3d6200c2ff66b8c4ca11b7159243c251e790780a49316b5c4695fc85e&channel=205&utm_source=News_CEN_eNL_010717&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Protein-rich%20diet%20can%20help%20manage%20type%202%20diabetes%2C%20NAFLD
- Lustig RH: Perspective on Tey et al., “Effects of aspartame-, monk fruit-, stevia- and sucrose-sweetened beverages on postprandial glucose, insulin and energy intake. Practice Update January 27, 2017. http://www.practiceupdate.com/content/effects-of-sweeteners-on-glucose-insulin-and-energy-intake/48522/65/8/1
- Stigler FL, Lustig RH, Ma JI: Letter to the Editor — in response to Heymsfield SB and Wadden TA: Mechanisms, pathophysiology, and management of obesity. N Engl J Med 376:1490, 2017.
Society Guidelines and Scientific Statements
- Speiser PW, Rudolf MCJ, Anhalt H, Camacho-Hubner C, Chiarelli F, Eliakim A, Freemark M, Gruters G, Hershkovitz E, Iughetti L, Krude H, Latzer Y, Lustig RH, Pescovitz OH, Pinhas-Hamiel O, Rogol AD, Shalitin S, Sultan C, Stein D, Vardi P, Werther GA, Zadik Z, Zuckerman-Levin N, Hochberg Z: Consensus development: childhood obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90:1871-1887, 2005.
- August GP, Caprio S, Fennoy I, Freemark M, Kaufman FR, Lustig RH, Silverstein JH, Speiser PW, Styne DM, Montori VM: Prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline based on expert opinion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93:4576-4599, 2008.
- Steinberger J, Daniels SR, Eckel RH, Hayman L, Lustig RH, McCrindle B, Mietus-Snyder ML: Progress and challenges in Metabolic Syndrome in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. Circulation 119:628-647, 2009.
- Johnson RK, Appel LJ, Brands M, Howard BV, Lefevre M, Lustig RH, Sacks F, Steffen LM, Wylie-Rosett J: Dietary sugars intake and cardiovascular health: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 120:1011-1020, 2009.