Learn to recognize the 56 different names for sugar

Unfortunately, sugar is not always conveniently labeled as “sugar” in the ingredients list. The food industry has discovered new ways to hide the amount of added sugar in their products by disguising them as different names that don’t seem so bad. Brown rice is healthy so that means brown rice syrup is too, right?

Dr. Lustig’s book Sugar Has 56 Names: A Shopper’s Guide is enlightening for those who may not realize the extent that sugar is added to our food products.

Sugar has 56 Names” only scratched the surface of all the other names which have been reported to me. By now I am aware of over 300 names. Please help me and an innovative start up called “perfact” collect basic data on added sugars so we can publish an updated “sugar matrix” in a collaborative open-knowledge format. If your contribution is helpful, you will be listed as a contributor.

Get involved with the Sugar Matrix Project (click here)


  1. Agave nectar*
  2. Barbados sugar*
  3. Barley malt
  4. Beet sugar*
  5. Blackstrap molasses*
  6. Brown rice syrup*
  7. Brown sugar*
  8. Buttered syrup*
  9. Cane juice crystals*
  10. Cane sugar*
  11. Caramel*
  12. Carob syrup*
  13. Castor sugar*
  14. Confectioner’s sugar*
  15. Corn syrup
  16. Corn syrup solids
  17. Crystalline fructose*
  18. Date sugar*
  19. Demerara sugar*
  20. Dextran
  21. Dextrose
  22. Diastatic malt
  23. Diatase
  24. Ethyl maltol
  25. Evaporated cane juice*
  26. Florida crystals*
  27. Fructose*
  28. Fruit juice*
  29. Fruit juice concentrate*
  30. Galactose
  31. Glucose
  32. Glucose solids
  33. Golden sugar*
  34. Golden syrup*
  35. Grape sugar*
  36. High-fructose corn syrup*
  37. Honey*
  38. Icing sugar*
  39. Invert sugar*
  40. Lactose
  41. Malt syrup
  42. Maltose
  43. Maple syrup*
  44. Molasses*
  45. Muscovado sugar*
  46. Organic raw sugar*
  47. Panocha*
  48. Raw sugar*
  49. Refiner’s syrup*
  50. Rice syrup
  51. Sorghum syrup*
  52. Sucrose*
  53. Sugar*
  54. Treacle*
  55. Turbinado sugar*
  56. Yellow sugar*

*Contains fructose

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