
This Metabolic Syndrome Pathways poster is a culmination of a year’s worth of work. The poster, produced in concert with my colleague Dr. Alejandro Gugliucci at Touro University, and sponsored by Bio-Techne (a diagnostic biologics company), summarizes the current state-of-the-art knowledge about the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. You may click on the image to view and download a high resolution PDF, and have this printed at your printer (39 x 26 inches). What we have learned is that:
  1. Each tissue has its own dysfunctional signaling cascade.
  2. The tissues that are in a portal configuration with the liver (pancreas, visceral fat, gut) are the most important.
  3. There are three different drivers of metabolic syndromes:
    1. obesity (subcutaneous fat)
    2. stress (visceral fat)
    3. diet (hepatic fat)All contribute to hepatic insulin resistance, which underpins metabolic syndrome, regardless of weight or BMI. That’s why it’s a SYNDROME. 
  4. You can’t fix metabolic syndrome unless you target the tissue(s) that started it.
Feel free to share. The glossary and references will be posted on the Bio-Techne website. Hope this helps you visualize the problem, and helps to effectuate solutions for your patients. 

Venn diagram: “The inclusive view of obesity and metabolic dysfunction.”

The majority of human beings are at risk for metabolic disease and there are more metabolically ill people with normal weight than those who are overweight. Metabolic disease is the problem. Obesity is a marker, not a cause – thin people suffer from metabolic disease too.

The 4Cs


Think “Open Happiness”, “Happy Meals”, “Happy Hour”, the “Like” button, and smiling emojis. America’s Corporate Consumption Complex has deliberately confused us to believe pleasure and happiness as the same — they are anything but. Corporations have “hacked” our bodies and brains, and we’ve become fat, sick, stupid, broke, addicted, depressed, and most decidedly unhappy.



A Calorie is Not a Calorie

All calories are the same, right? Calories in. Calories out. All you have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more! Have a cola and a smile! Everything in moderation! Blah blah blah… Wrong.

All calories are not the same. Let’s explore why in this infographic.
Want to download a PDF version? Click on the snapshot to the left.

Real Food Vs. Processed Food

What is the difference between Real Food and Processed Food?

This poster separates the wheat from the chaff.



Fructose Restriction infographic

Whether your child is normal weight or overweight, excess added sugar is harmful to your child’s health.
Want to download a PDF version? Click on the snapshot to the left.

Una caloría no es síempre una caloría

Todas las calorías no son las mismas. Vamos a explorar por qué en esta infográfia.
¿Desea descargar la versión en PDF? Haga clic en la imagen a la izquierda.

Une calorie n’est pas une calorie

Toutes les calories ne sont pas les mêmes. Examinons les raisons dans cette infographie.
Voulez-vous une version PDF? Cliquez sur l’image à gauche.

Una caloria non è sempre una caloria

Non tutte le calorie sono uguali. Esploriamone i motivi in questa infografica.
Vuoi scaricare la versione in PDF? Clicca l’anteprima a sinistra.

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