Chapter 12: Nutrition “unwrapped” — References

Page 181

“sucrose and diet sweeteners”

K.J. Yin et al. “Effects of Different Sweeteners on Behavior and Neurotransmitters Release in Mice,” J. Food Sci. Technol. 57 (1) (2020): 113.


“obesity and diabetes development”

S.E. Swithers. “Artificial Sweeteners Produce the Counterintuitive Effect of Inducing Metabolic Derangements,” Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 24 (9) (2013): 431.


“oxidative stress, membrane integrity, and inflammation”

A.K. Choudhary and E. Pretorius. “Revisiting the Safety of Aspartame, ” Nutr. Rev. 75 (9)  (2017): 716.


“studies that showed no harm”

E.P. Millstone and E. Dawson. “EFSA’s Toxicological Assessment of Aspartame: Was It Even-Handedly Trying to Identify Possible Unreliable Positives and Unreliable Negatives?,” Arch. Public Health 77  (2019): 34.


“fat will develop and deposit”

D. Shungin et al. “New Genetic Loci Link Adipose and Insulin Biology to Body Fat Distribution,” Nature 518  (2015): 187.


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