Chapter 16: What and how fetuses, infants, and toddlers eat — References

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“accept it? Just once”

G.K. Beauchamp and J.A. Mennella. “Early Flavor Learning and Its Impact on Later Feeding Behavior,” J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 48 Suppl 1  (2009): S25.


“drinks came from sugar”

Y.C. Koo et al. “Food Claims and Nutrition Facts of Commercial Infant Foods,” PLoS One 13 (2) (2018): e0191982.


“Nutrition Facts label”

R. Walker and M. Goran. “Laboratory Determined Sugar Content and Composition of Commercial Infant Formulas, Baby Foods and Common Grocery Items Targeted to Children,” Nutrients 7 (7) (2015): 5850.


“for added sugar”

Hypoglycemia Support Foundation. “Added Sugar Repository, ” (2020).


“that number jumps to”

K.A. Herrick et al. “Added Sugars Intake among US Infants and Toddlers,” J. Acad. Nutr. Diet. 120 (1) (2019): 23.


“The American Heart Association”

M.B. Vos et al. “Added Sugars and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Children: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association,” Circulation,  135 (19) (2016): e1017.


“and the WHO”

World Health Organization.  Commercial Foods for Infants and Young Children in the Who European Region. World Health Organization (Geneva: 2019).


“Nutrition Facts label”

A. Garcia.  “Stop Adding Sugar to Our Babies’ Food.” The Guardian, Jan 3, 2019.


“any food that comes in a pouch”

B. Koletzko et al. “Complementary Foods in Baby Food Pouches: Position Statement from the Nutrition Commission of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ, e.V.),” Mol. Cell. Pediatr. 6 (1) (2019): 2.


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